Grundrisstheory Part 5


Tropism is an error, and has many errors, if it gets not applied as open knowledge applied to old Egypt. Still, it gets misused and enclosed in unknowledgeable domains to scholars, held solid for some, not all. There is a whole world of crime there, where it gets gamutted here and there, once postponed so, the other time not at all for someone attached. But, the people that care, for you, if they are focussed on you, and not wishing you talking that or similar things, are certainly illuminated in a special way, in a way of characterisation, and displaying their care for you afterwards, laughing like a cheshire cat known by Alices style.

If someone decides, prefers, to wait some more, and feed the ducks in the park, this is alright, he acknowledges of trade cycle theory automatical. But an entrepreneur, has to sense the current time and choose the changes very fastly or else he brings the firm into the position of the waiting ducks. This is where trade cycle theories live. There lies a space open of pause, where other birds dwell, too, such as swan, that have a very lofty way of depression. Domains and domination are two different things.

The philosophers that were tied to fall into oblivion, as Mises said in his book, that tried to describe utopism by the marxism taboos, only relative to their first impression then, fell therein into oblivion thus, they didn't fall therein, but there in. Because trade cycle theory living there, appeals to that style. But they fell into that first-stage thinking trapped by the greater scheme around Marxism. Because even when Marx' sect coming from Engels, it was not enough to describe it as utopy itself, but it must be described as utopism coming from Marxism itself, and the mistake there. Else, everyone follows their footsteps into oblivion and gets forgotten, even if he was against Marx, simple. A philosophical trap, they made for Marx, to work. But it will never work, because in an isolated socialist world only, there can't be established no prices and chaos must ensue fastly. If everybody can top his price on top the other, how should he manage that over a longer period, if not even two seconds? Also, entrepreneurs will never be able to start business, when they can only go to the old state clerks and present their ideas, to these old men, that stopped for long, believing in innovation, trapped by multitude. They can only in capitalism start business, getting first money from some men, that believe them. But in a socialist world, that means, a world for the state, and against free enterprise, they would only be able to store sand where it is still sand, not yet money.

Until these days, pupils in middle elitary schools (opens in a new tab), and not in highly elitary school with internates, they know the behaviour, from their parents, that they got taught by their parents, and they carry it further. It is not the schools that carries that further, even when it is saught because of that as school, and at the same time, interesting making the school. They say: Their parents got it from the truism, that all people understand the egyptian gods were taught, to by their supporters, beat the people, and therefore the students today have to believe, they were intelligent, not the slaves. It was not because the pharaons supporters, it is not because the parents teach them, but it is the pupils interference in the theory, and not they the victim, but the victim the individual that must have hath intelligence. Yet, this lie is globally accepted as understanding, and seen as part of elitarian schooling, even if dense completely. Their parents they administer these schools, are the same way unsichtig. They belong to Isis, this is clear as snow flakes teaching ducks to manouver. The subventionism of death penalty judges, that venerate the folk, by the same folk bullying capitalism, is not yet the worst type of subventionism. The interesting making governance is much more subtropic, by all efforts of the state in economics, which is called "interventionism". None of that is interesting enough, to make the people stop bullying the choices of individuals in capitalism, of certain individuals, and stop being violent, by being someone else.

Toth Tehuthi was Xerxes I., and probably already all the people violent are playing gods. All the egyptian gods, were representations of the current site, in question, where the word elite came from, all around the world. Every king living somewhere else than Egypt, had his own puppet representation on walls against the folk on pay for the pharaoh, to make the folk that not even belongs to him, fear. These are all hegelians, that want the terror for Marx. For democracy. Welfare is a way, to by the skeletton of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, heave up peoples hands, and control what they do with them. This is called world control, by historicists told. They martirize old people, that they teach lieing, always, to party by chiffre, which they misspelled from partieing, by shivering. This is then called a conglomerate. Conglomerates help creating the graves, such as that in the St.Thomas church, of JS Bach, where cartels then put firms upon, that they destroy, together with the positivist flowers. And let people fall into a type of history (cultural and mental histories).

But, stone age, comes etymologic probably rounded off, from "storage". Or maybe, storage from "stone age"? Either case, without the parentheses, pure materialism hides behind that, of men. They misuse normal people, which help them, support or backup the luciferianists, who by Lucifer, and what they do thereby, support the intensity fight, against the carried individuals (geniuses). Because they shall never be delivered like Lucifer with his elite, so good and sharp in the eyes, going after them, because they invest, in books to deliver the spread of information into width and spaces, that someone does, because someone in old Egypt wanted to hide, that they planned the spread of english language, already in Egypt, because books are the silent idols of the antichrists. They shall never be so intertwined in children killing like the pharmacological sector, together with those, who really shiver in party with their teeth, that means, the old satanists: He, like the FED men has to be the only monopolist. The plan of the old world, is them, not someone else, not a clear plan, against carriage, while in Skyrim, only a very few times you were with a horse.

X = n is a worm hole, too.

You can write 45° too ∟/2. A ⊋ B is the same as ∁_AB_ or specifical for filters, ∁_UA_, and when the latter gives you B', then that means, some number even in spaces after the comma, will be chosen, and will be transformed without Fourier complexes and also makes true AB. There are also partially ordered sets:

{\displaystyle (X,\preceq )}

But while X = n < 0 is a kind of infinity animated ring, that means a twodimensional worm hole, seen from a view, an operator mapped on a domain, means, that this domain will be a tunnel, X = n > 0 will just create a strip of fractional numbers. This is exactly where the luciferianists operate in. These are: With disjoint unions, you can create lists of elements, that are partial orders enlisted one after another, if earlier defined, just as in programming, if you define a variable, before a function. In logic, this is already a function on itself.

But, why is hegelianism, and hegemony so bad? History is in its school manifestation, not even concerned by geochronology, these earlier times, where ice was on mountains and also on great parts of the world ranging from even up to 100.000BC to 17500BC or sometimes by historicists called even unto 300BC, where latin people ruled the world.

The amount of years, Diodorus lived, was 60 years ( ∟/1.5 ). That is exactly the same amount, as the 60° radius, on each edges of the equilateral triangle. The equilateral triangle is often divided without rationality further. The acute triangle, however, has all sides greater than ∟, which is (for 90°) egyptianic. The worst elite came from Egypt. It were the beginnings perhaps, of marketing.

Even until today, you can fall into the trap, of chauvinism against anti-chauvinists, into an invisible war of the pedophiles that are young activists, where only knowledge helps you out, to come out of it only by seeing it is piety you fell into, the needs for a theory, that explains the behaviour of those, wanting, to make human action vanish, traces vanish, for history of law to be supported by germanisticism, in turn supported by type theorists not admitting, that they support piety supporting that.

Welfare is also the way, to make people the means to so they can be taken away later as unfreedom and make them uniformally the same by equality principle. While triangles, are an elitary thing, because they rotate like weights, of flesh, they are connected to man. Equality principle has a lot of space to play out itself in current times, and it stays invisible. Why, nobody explains, but the ones guilty on that, have certainly still state clerk position.

Absolute cardinal numbers, are always the volume for the banach space and not the natural identification, but sympathet for its symbol. It seems, as if lie-algebra is completely consisting of these equalities and is not at all the advanced thing, they say. Therefore, with two absolute cardinals, you can conjoin by disjoint unions, two lia-algebras or banach spaces.

Therefore i believe, that every manipulation of the equilibrium of prices, is a kind of theft, where each time, money is drawn out of the equilibrium. It necesserily does not mean any drawing out of the pockets or savings of anyone, but the consumer, except nobody buys anything, in a barter economy for example, but this is not the case.

Domains are numbers, that look like xa^b and can be therefore identical, while not identical, but in case of 1, which we theoretize hereby, it is true always, and it is in case of not 1 also way, to by disjoint union, and mapping, put someone really bad into place. Every manipulation of the equilibrium therefore, because one is never satisfied, comes true as theft on the consumer therefore. There does not have to be an ultrafilter beforehands that reorders the system of equilibrium and puts prices in place. Order is not needed there mathematical, where it is economical. Nobody needs a bank. Logic suffices to already be that.

Also, this is the same, as in a glass of red wine, the reflection of some light, abstracted into being a whole on a spoon, of some material, that looks like white salad. This is exactly, what must happen in anti-cancer as extraction of the given sickness, tumor. It must be mapped from the refractored related light, into the dominious object on the spoon, and thrown away fast. The abstraction itself, must be computed by a whole superset, that has in itself even as ultrafilter, the corresponding understanding, of coping with the commonality of the sickness and it must be minimist, just as a bird, that acknowledges of his strife for success, and why it was not the reason, why it is in a cage, while people often go to prison for same. The "white guy", must be the object saught, as Stephen King called it, no matter if mapped on glass or somewhere else, in the body.

The way it must be done, is the bird, how it sings "success", minimalist, to copy what was said about it. The red catherine, is probably the thing, the whole state is against, and uses anti-humanism. That means, the capitalistic strife for survival in a human, that gets subdued by the state as a monster against holiness itself, masquerade.

If B' is a minute, and minutes describe the subdivision of radial numbers, describing where a line intersects a circle, then a spiral will be possible, to be used, same way by this denumerator, as the exact point in a wormhole, in space. Certain things work not in space, such as horse riding through wormholes. Either way, a space ship will have ultrafilters to provide a sphere at the inset, while at the outset, it will have to calculate the exact middle point of a wormhole, if it wants not to fly through a portal. I never met people, telling me "even B' is not a minute, it must had been a superset of b', instead, having these elements like that". All were just completely on a drive against cosmopolitans and nobody striving for success, neither agreement. Disjoint unions work the same therefore by intersectionism, in relation to B' therefore, no matter what elements other are in sets, that get one after other ordered. They will be always other than B', while B' can account for all points on spirals the elements even in animation, in hyperrealism. I never met someone looking like an astronaut, except Alex Jones (opens in a new tab). He is so intelligent, like an astronaut, indeed, against the NWO. All others are simple and leninists. All the while, the german nazi program spaceship and transporter "Sänger" or "ELAC", was all the time inspired on the rotating of the mayan Palenque Relief and not a single word or letter was written to me about it.

Is that the reason, the subconventional (drug mafia) consistently created utopy, using homomorphism all the time, by letting people find the nonmathematical biology description of tropism, if they search "tropism" instead the mathematical, that makes them understand more, instead of finding the book "Tropismes", and follow a carefully crafted plan starting like all dark plans? I had all the time no internet while they were busy profiting thus...

Indeed, was that the reason, a hasse diagram, described a partial order, all the time, and it is in relation to an always animative ultrafilter, nonanimated and on itself even proof of how no oxygen is there available in space? Euler-diagrams are not the intersective ven-diagrams, and hasse diagrams are not the completely mapped identities of ultrafiltering, and contain xyz, just as they are more 0 than the other, being rather 1 if theoretized to end.

Wouldn't trust so much them. Because if they are not firm managers, they are leninists. Someone having no responsibility, will not act on behalf of the individual, but to take away someones responsibility is a one-in-a-lifetime act, that is not returned again by the state clerks. All of that is victim to theoretical limits. The size of a spaceship relative to a black hole in minutes flight, is calculated by _r_n/360, where r is the square root symbol, with n, which is the meters of the ship in length, while the simple remember circle is C = 2pi*r solvable for radius as r = C/2pi. The remainder of both secants with both circles (where one is the worm hole), is certainly the symbol of the minute itself in calculator UI. The red catherinism would call unto it B' as minutes, due to knowing all individual.

There is no such concept, as simultaneousely, together with something in togetherness in mathematics, at all to exist. Even, if in space, things get each minute only together, in planet Earth, any addition is always made by human touch sole. Each game has with it, a feeling, that remembers a veteran, and mirrors in some remembrance in soul ballads in flesh, they use, to manipulate each individual toward a particular opinion, which works like the pressing of a button, as fast a change. All of this is accomplished by the sole use of occultism, as energy delivery for this concept, with which it can manifest in people, and they can use positivism to kill anyone they wish by other people, no matter how negative and passive they were before. Positivism such as that of dogs, when they run around chaotic and bite anyone in sight. Hegemony is a big lie, because welfare is used as the effect, to deliver this energy slowly in people, and nobody is truly guilty like them being a nervous wreck, yet when they are, this is getting used by leninism on innocents, and there are three steps, that also turn around that concept, into something underworldly, to actually make others kill, because there it is just turning the world on its head, and people don't simply understand, where this comes from. All of this is not made by people, but by the pale horse rider from Apocalypse, even when these horses were not yet introduced officially in horizon. These are not these effects. They exist, and they are used as a protagonist by leninists, because the state delivers them these tools against those, it wants to torture. It is a remainder effect, of which that the state is an invader into private property and privacy and it seems, the state is getting misused for that goal and also made for its merit.

Alex Jones would admit together with me, that these effects never come from Bilderberg, and never even spawned there. This is unbelievable, what kind of terrorism they make as bilderbergers. They do this, by a secrecy sphere, about how much they inferred things, which they were not at all, themselves, but the effect is created of terror, by how much they torture people, unseen, and kept in secret. These things come out in real world as clues and contingencies against the individual. And they game with it, certainly and upheave these evil ghosts by democracy, because Democrit is used as a lorenz-field of influence for stalinism. They take the power of love, from the tortured, because love has great power, that they hide, and then they misuse that as a spell somewhere in their big houses or on hills. The torture is supported by false prophets, since it would never summon that way. It is not clear at first why false prophets would go to hell, for someone, who read the revelation first. But when things began, it became more clear, why it will be that way.

Karl Marx, they melodize by muting, never helped the bankers, create a idleness for bankers, that it gets idle. Other authors can spawn, that write about the religions of the USA in young people, in the free market, with anti-free market perspective. Where the root of this belief however comes from, this particular belief, is always kept hidden in portrait, so ignorance can be created by silent profitors, that take the number of the beast or the seal on the forehead, and even holify this number or seal. They contend, Marx never ran through his atlantis-scaled rooms alone, so he can overwrite elitarianism. Karl Marx has to stay the word thrust to fancy.

He must be the phenomenon, that is so singular, that it can't be written in row in a masterpiece, of which they claim, they are the champions. They want children to be raised so they ask their educators:"Was Karl Marx alive?". And parents have to really trust them then the way, they prescribed them. The knowledge that someone is always there, they can trace their motivation on, has not to be boycotted, together with other stuff, but it has to be taken away from children, that later make suicide, because parents took their monopoly serious in motivationism.

Yet, always, the moment, was made by time shifting, by bankers, against the individual, and even when, others may claim, and irrespective of their antijew perspective, differently, after them, others have to think that, it will be made effective for their use. People have to have in certain individual cases, when for example someone against the FED, barred entry into thinking certain things, by making the first, content with people, that are constantly toward you like a cutting edge sword, or chainsaws. They are deniers of Jesus, for they know very much, they act only, because they get big houses as recapitalizement of the old money people, for being in certain things with Karl Marx and not exposing him.

Karl Marx is just a subset. He is like all random things. That is why you always do the wrong things, when you write for him. To me, probably the most appropriate place of randomness, is the little house on Xen. It seems not existent at all, and not even the Gman would live in this place, that's why he is so sympatic. He seems to be the manager of planet Earth, with all its gull, that fly the same way, as the mantas in Xen. But, in Reality, these are mantras. You must have logical preconditions, in face of all the evil randomness, that is just random and fools all. Such a logical precondition is capitalism on itself, not something else, at all. Because without this, not even the Gman would help you, since there would be no businessman at all existant. You would be all alone on Xen with noone around. Is that nice? Is it nice, to be excluded from all these physical concerns of the game, as a human, in Reality, with no way out?

Minutes are complex numbers and two dimensions can be disruptive on eachother. Complex numbers that are absolute, can be smaller or greater. For example, absolute complex numbers can be written 1/|z| and also |1/z|, which is both hyperreal symbolism. They are products and written differently, are the same.

Irrational numbers, can always take off the value of a symbol negatively, but i came behind it, that they are often the same, as imaginary numbers, but only in secret . Irrational numbers first in such case, while the other way around, too, which made some believe, it is the numbers itself, that can be chosen, but that comes not into usage in case of Lambda modern day thinkers claim, knowing more than Leibniz at all, because it needed them not, and it is called simply "to conjugate" the whole equation and "make z diagonal".

A or B if in clamps: (A or B) is the definition of empty spaces held in space for elements such as z, and when they are for example at the end of putting them as complex numbers and conjugating them a definition B'z, that means, unknown times that can hold just some meaning or value but are never 0, but they can be always part of A or A'. But after conjugatin', they will be negative in statistics such as the field of some mathematicians such as Gauß. But they can be also repeating decimals, and therefore have infinite, even if negative, magnitudes. Energies are magnitudes in nonbinary math.

Since B' is custom, it can be empty or not, or by some called a set of classes, but me not, and Z not custom, but predefined, it is not a set of n-tuples where complex numbers are in. Z on the other hand, will be such numbers. Where Lambda gets defined, hyperrealism and strange occurences are both happening, even if only formal things happened. Still, many authors claim exactly, to devise for some people, a way of life different to that, that the state clerks create, while not at all starting with a view against numismatix.

A model (for example of Zufryden) admits at least, people are on a frenzy first of how in marketing the things work, when sad, then aware, then intention, and in the end a ticket. But even if all live in harmony, both B' and also Z and R are sets of complex numbers, and B' has even capability of being minutes.

The power rule is practically the same, as the symbols possible over clamping, in formulae, can be placed and if solved, fall on z and makes z diagonal and where z has powers, it turns them negative then and all in a whole formula: It seems to me, that all is perfect, all is hyperreal, because these are hyperreal topics, that lead someone against thrasymachism.

But still it is wrong, if it is not in a mind, but in Reality, and if that is misused by someone trustworthy. The fancy goes so far back in time, that it needs not to be researched, that it is in another game altogether, and rested its fangs there on all. B' could be called the set containing all imaginary parts of ib' in C. Therefore this is proof, that there is no trader anywhere, that gets anything at the end. Probably, there is indeed a world of some sort, they don't take anything anywhere at the end they got. Positivism is too early, always in economics, there Mises was excellence, empiricism is too far-fetched already yet, perception of trade is persé at the outset taken for granted, because it is not more. You don't need mathematical definitions for that, neither would i see any other reason for people to behoove themself in using mathematics to redundant things of any sort, which all other are, that are not exactly these. I hope i got already so far, that i can disprove Keynes.

There are people, so malignant these days, even those who are doctors or professors, that teach the relativity theory of Einstein, they claim this is not true:

z1 = (−b + δ)/2a, z2 = (−b − δ)/2a

even if delta is the fourth letter in greek alphabet. But, lambda has still the power, in itself, to move really big things around, on itself, if it'd just used this way. Not even only giant robots, but things that need to be energized. From less things, formal, to greater things, in Reality. People from impoverished financial states they not even see it possible to devise the state toward some revenge. Someone being an anarcho-capitalist, is always alone in that fight. Often in these days, the state clerks may be randomly chosen in renaissance ways, but behind that nobody sees, that it was chosen by unright itself. Unright copies the people in your surroundings the way, they looked as friends around some popular mathematician from history, not historicists or worse, the french students of industrial mathematics. This unright is created by piety. Because only the state is enriched by that. Even if in individual case not, the unright is great enough, that also lives there, just as well as many adults driven into suicide by something, mirror in that in society. Because these students are educated not, they are just called as adults and don't even after Platos republic after the term of justice, are chosen for the positions they learn in, and the educators understand that very well, yet don't know, that all are anti-calvinisticly educated. The state clerks like persons, even if they send them to mental hospital, that constantly in history will be called these ones, that always were against the people.

Yet, simultaneity works in mathematics, indeed. It is just part of some coping with different fields in tensor theory, where Einstein would even say, and does it, that multiple dimensions disjointly united, so they rest one after another besides themselves, will fight with eachother and destroy eachother at the same time being divergencies that are hyperreal. After all of that, i still stay true, to anarcho-capitalism, and will continue to stay true to it, because their fight against truth already starts with the monopolist tendencies on equivalents, where they hide who they are, and how similar they are sometimes to firms, in literature these firms offer. Einstein was living in the 17th century after them, which is crime. Every child knows, this is crime. But it is deceptive, because the same can be said by Einstein about the capitalistic man and the only way he can be respected, which is, when he wears a briefcase. The state likes to scale this object down in analysis and focus your portmonnaie. But still, in case of the OR operator in mathematical logic, the definition will be always disjointly united by AND, while any number z will be not negative, due to this AND anymore, but positive, no matter the operator used. Minus and plus are always by these processes twisted into plus and minus, but it in itself is disjointly united with any element z that gets conjugated. Therefore, Abelard is on the other side of the economic spectrum, to Mises. The extreme brutality of B therefore, gets in mathematics transported to minutes and makes B', but can't be supplemented by add-ons, why not?, even if energies still stay as storage, left over. But the cause for that, rests in philosophical realms, a spaceship can use that to negativize numbers, even secants, and must keep this equality, in mechanical realms, while as quality in human realms, alive as storage, else it will never know. These constants will be kept unrecognized no matter the nuisance of people, because A and B are constants for those, who keep it secret. They are depending on this secrecy, even when a spaceship will be never built for men to live in or travel by, as long as a welfare state exists. People who don't write that, get castles as payment by Bilderberg, because it is the main cause, they profit from, and each time approximately 1000 poor people get as result, really evil letters from state, that get kept alive by state. And this unright is claimed by these state clerks, is something that has to be kept alive and well.

I mean, where shall people go to, to graveyards, after them? Since, butterflies such as used to be seen by scientists, they are mainly those, from other worlds, where holiness lives itself, such as the holy Mary herself. There is no place for people there, so elitarian is this place, plagued by socialism and people. But it is illogic behind that, behind the holy Mary is the only person in this place, and by her holiness, therefore, only lets the individual live there, while all these dirty effects of society are gone completely, instead. But this little reductio ad abstractum is enough proof for their dark plans, against identity and with it, against uncovering facts. The state clerks want their wage to be healed by Toth Tehuthi, so they get more money and also have a lot of support from those, they claim, they give this higher wage then too, to, all of which is lied to these people and they get into darkness, these people make. This is pure darkness there. In my opinion it is initially made too, to uncover facts, but kept behind egptic walls of pyramides, so they use this darkness to later map Herodes, the king on people, that then feel, they can summon this darkness solely concerned by egoist goals, and therefore supported by socialists. And then they act as this state puppet to really make life unpleasurable for the capitalist. Oftentimes, the animal, itself is only a mechanism where the individual is misused and completes its quests so the animal can kill that very same inidividual then, by fear or apologetism. Always it is misused by man itself as concept. If some lightbulb is turned on by the individual, it is preceded by the hand, and the place it is turned on, is the safe place but on the same level where the terror goes on where it turns other people to Herodes in individual case.

They also make use of Azazel, a demonic seal, that can be used, to join together nets, where A and B can be two societies (for example obamism and chauvinism). You will see, it is a way, to conjoin together two systems of sociological nets together so they destroy eachother with always two controllers claiming responsibility for the middle way. Rich people live in castles, that were kings of Jerusalem in past, but the most they can do, is too, only recognize, that the FED men each time, they fill their sack with the peoples money, they make to their own negativity, these nets by grabbing with their hand into their sack. Even they can do nothing in face of the portrait of their might in democracy. Xerxes gave them a lot of background. That is not just.

Often, the church is the research facility, that gets crushed by slow looking effects of society that lives in socialism, so you can see, it is the only institute, that looks slowly getting destroyed by these tendencies, and waits for complete destruction, like a resource facility that stopped collecting, due to failing capitalism, and gets paused to wait for its destruction by the people. But, the people are peaceful and only feel, that these effects are made by torture itself, they never know more, and the church is therefore the victim too of torture with those, that get tortured with a really bad consequence, of being crushed. Therefore let this be the reductio ad abstractum here:

A witcher meets with a businessman, called Ykresaq and tells him he has resources to sell to him, if Ykresaq will become a businessman too, in business with him, where he, the witcher, is always B, and the other, is A. Will then Ykresaq will ever be kept in unfairness, except some people existed, that believe in fairness or social behavior in business, that said to the really dangerous witcher, what he has to do? Rather not. He will not be made revenge on, except he lives constantly in the scheme of reminiscing A' in egoism, and what wonderful appearently time mechanism it is. Therefore there will be no fairness saught and the witcher will lose all his resources, and even his position as a witcher, so both he and Ykresaq, are now businessmen. They will not even remotely think what is going on here, and still, all discourage deeper thinking about this, to some extent for someone, that comes from historicism, a field, solely endangered by etiquette. Ykresaq will understand the witchers encouragement when he tells him "we are in this together", but business is not so. He will rather say "we are the only ones in this business and it will be great". "We are in this together" is rather only true for the whole of the free market.

This gets often mirrored in class rooms, where the students are in universities, that get the clue for where they have to individually later work in, in which field. The teacher oftentimes lets that as an imaginary world open for them, and it seems, it is the same world, the tortured live in. But it is wrong, because in truth, that is an illegal extension, of the version, that has the house where someone lives as an object, and then it is clear, that classes don't exist. This moment, where the students can decide, between field and trust in the teacher, or rememberance of the teacher and pain of losing the mother in religion. This reminds me of Toth. But, Toth was in a world of slavery, while we had already great things made by capitalism. All of either if it is students, or teachers, would be not possible, because no matter would be possible to be discussed, without this beforehands spawning in worlds, some worlds, you know. These worlds are really monopoly of state clerks. They are so greasy. Because it is all based on lies. Sinus curves always start not with life, but in 0 per definition. While cosinus curves, start with 1, rather. All of it is linear algebra too, and mapping at the same time. And, linear algebra is just like hyperrealism. Both have the same, but hyperrealism distuinguishes itself by spaces. There is no time in linear algebra, no minutes, and seconds, like in complex numbers, commonly misused to be defined by sinus/cosinus concepts relativity. There is no room between linear algebra and hyperrealism, that these people get blamed for, yet misuse it. It is complete hocuspocus they get blamed for and it is not true.

But, the pilgrimage of not seeing Bilderberg behind that, because the only emergence and usage of z in linear algebra, remember, the only field in mathematics without complex numbers, will end in seeing it is the only time used only in homogenism, a word only used by Bilderberg. Being attacked by these people, is falling automatically into a state of decomposition, if they are successful in being murderers, if you don't fight the monopolies. Because that is actually the last thing you can do, to really not come to this conclusion and become already decomposed by vanishing culture. People don't see this. They continue living in optimism.

That is true, that to each matrix in tensor theory, the next matrix containing z, or even lambda, is added by human action solely, and changes all the whole situation and calculation. It is also true, that they want to keep that silent.

What are cartels making? They try to destabilize the church, by throwing the statues by the cards on top out of the way, on the garbage. They are against the church. Also, nobody of them, helps you out of fear, to even be able, to throw half a kilograms of salt against a window in exit strategies in life out of violence, where you even fear to lose not only the situation but would not destroy the window by the object, in your hand, to vanish through the empty spaces. No, you get after them, gladly the victim of violence, they made by their house of cards, with their damned cards, that can be seen as some surface you must break through hunted by the people. But where it is violence, it is gladly individual, even when it bases on masses and what they appearently do or wish, basing their deeds on utopy and tabooism, and dark egoism, coming from elasticism, masqueraded as exorcism, as agreement between some, or rite.

Everyone has a kind of beast inside it, he keeps secret, and sometimes "shows it, but there is a master they have, he wants to be the only one, that can be that, out of egoism, and sarcasm", as the leninists think, but i know, he rather refreshes it by it, and the leninists are not right in creating that difference. Yet all these people must first live in paradox or else be nonexistant, for that to work really. And people don't do trade in case of paradoxes. They need freedom for that. They must to live first, and be free of evil from the inset, makeup their minds, if they see a master key to a door, that keeps the consumer behind it, if they don't prepare earlier by potions their life expectation.

It is NOT doing NOTHING, that kills the individual, or people in general, neither is it bad perception (but more closer than that even) nor laziness or in case of being against capitalism, capitalism, but globalism. It is globalism, that kills people/ nothing else. And realizing that, they need means of production, that create together with factors of production seen as a premise, elusiveness in trade, but with soundness, additionally to living and acting. Everything that is not categorizable, is human action, as it is only real in feeling, just like products are. The danger of not using human action in trade, is encumbered by the following greatest mistake in planning: brand colors get decided by machines, which means, that they get inverted in where they get applied, destroying the whole balance of trade, and damaging capitalism in its stronghold. It is a mistake often not admitted by years of experience, or never even, by very long working designers in their work. They see the mistake later, and never correct it, since they already belong to a very low counting bunch, and it is still not admitted over the deadline, so the firms continue with that mistake forever, damaging capitalism. When violence is done, an animal comments it at the uttermost, as if it knew, by positivistic voices, as if being in favor of it, but it concerns the whole domain rather. When animals are not the centrifuge of reality, they still act like that, but one says that out of contribution to not wanting them to be damaged by evil doers, out of culture not really. Ben Bernanke has disrupted the law of marginal returns, in favor of feminism so every firm, that is not already established, every businessmen wanting to start afresh, first of all which is letting people fall too much under sway of historicism, in order so they can endager their life, so others don't give peace, following their foot steps to apply false techniques for the individual, that don't even match, while being exposure, since Ludwig van Mises not even would allow for writing so much about that, without straying away much from his school and from religion especially. Women get in the position of a low brow, not even looking that way on their faces, since it is hidden by their beauty. And life is at stake, and the economy at her last breathing intakes at all positions. This is all against the individual. Ludwig van Mises does not allow to mention the real problem here at all. And there is already 1 tactic against Ludwig van Mises directly done by him and especially his banker friends, that has the outcome of reverting van Mises' theory while telling a big lie to power that appearent mistake at twice the effect. It is not good for the individual, that all these german rationalists spawned, and the neosocialists sects with their etatism, and the anti-life-anti-capitalist Pinker supporting murderous deeds by hidden monsters following cook books, the state coercive apparatus follows even. How does that support peace and dignity while being a strange entity? They don't believe, that there is roboticism in logic, and a diifference between logic and emotionalism, where from the induction into spheres of logic, the irrespective domain of human acting, is enamoured and rebuilt to be defined by that, but they think, humans act on base of emotionality, and have to authorize others, that they can blame for not being logical. I don't know what these men think, but Bernanke knew, that that boils down to tyranny, at all, and tyranny has always on its back a semi-resurrection against the individual, called "communism", but it certainly is connected i thihk to the mayan pyramides, in how it reacts on the individual in the end, and it emboils under its hood, aggression, that seems to be the drive for why US soldiers go to war and the people try to save the individual, but they save the scheme by it, and they don't see, that the ignorance created is used for torturing.

Torture is mute about factors of production emulated, in their evil version happening only, and only then, to the individual, not if it exists, but only because it exists. When where it exists, the individual wants to have freedom, and that is enumerated earlier as blockades made by injustice, not by the concept of the factors of production being emulated, are used, as a market force against it, but the same force of the real concept it used, is emulated against the individual and which is symbolised by the moments, in events, that symbolise that freedom by itself, not ON ITSELF. And therefore, there is human action needed even in the realm of science, since these dark forces operate there injust, never not even transpassing into the domain of being "unjust" so easily even. That is what they mean by being leninists that act against fullfillment. I don't talk about fullfillment-industries, that solely do the storage part for companies, to deliver the products to the customer, but they prove that they need human action by being strict in rules and power can make that enumeration vanish that a group of men has, that are not held accountable as individual man, doing evil deeds. People are held in ware-house-condition`s. The single customer lost to the Ford Company when they started inserting, the states minimum-wage, returns in lost things, when a scientist does his research. Henry Ford had no wisdom that today is available to researchers. He was a drug dealer and started as a carpenter, and had a team and all of them were drug dealers together too. The job of the carpenter is mostly attacked by the etatists, around Friedrich Engels, as they are all etatists, and the word "latin" has the word ITA too, turned around in the middle, which means 'torture" in gothic language. They are all etatists. The same rings true for other industries, that are more robotic, such as fullfillment-industry. It gets attacked by other people, which are more powerful and altogether i believe, that Henry Ford got his knowledge to continue working as a company leader, from other people that knew more, at that place in delivery.

Keynes is fear if it comes to trade cycle theory, it is solely made to delude people from getting to the core of truth, with all the observation they do in conduit. But i like multiple fears and believe they are good for a harmonious society, and for profitability. I don't want only one fear named "Keynes", but multiple! Soundness is better than all. Because people may think they are cool in the different denunciations such as corporativism is part of it, and yet in the end, they would not summon at all, and from the beginning the personae would be prosperous and nice even. It is what all the veterans want to teach as low brows, that they do that mistake indeed, being against the constitution. It is a sad fact, that it stays unknown, where the tradition is rooted, to wear business suits, if from young who get dressed, early in age, for special evenings, or if the youth gets the tradition from the old men. But certainly, these special events, where the youngsters get dressed well, by the parents on purpose, is because culture needs to teach the importance of events. Events are important, and many evil dangers exist, that want to do mistakes there on innocents. It is not a coincidence, that especially here, that knowledge is not really suited. But it is in the eyes of the society that way. And society was always there split up into two different groups, Ludwig van Mises called communists and anti-communists. He teaches, that there will be only conflict arising from socialism, because where they don't want to discuss why they are wrong, they most of the times, do violence in society, and therefore, the beforehands well working order of society "socialism", where it is parachuted on the people, additionally, and they are not discussed, it creates isolation in society only for the individual then.

It is proven by that innuendo: People are lost. They search for knowledge in churches, in belief. They are lost as a bunch, and need a leader called Christ. But it is exclusive, that he must be called that way, else it does not work. And the societies spawn from that, that are evil doers, because they start being against competition in capitalism, or preference. They say:"Why are they people, and why are they good, if they use preference there, if they are so lost? What is the matter and the problem in all of that?", but don't deliver any outcome, but make problems, others join into making them complex by the use of state agencies. After their work is done, they can fulfill their leninistic meaning and outcome. But earlier, if in case of the individual, nobody helps against them and they very well kept hidden by literature. It is not a coincidence that they are not elusive in that, and that only very finely established societise creates companies then, that are based on the same meaning later, where it is elusiveness in trade. And there is everything unimportant for the state. They can do what they want kept hidden behind closed doors infinitely as long as they wish. The state prefers to concentrate on the groups of people, that live by a cook book, where they do evil events on individuals on purpose, rather than actions, where in the action-part, the individual always gets killed by the state inside that event. It is following their cook book in detail. In truth, the soup made that is made in a good event, is only the soup made by the capitalists wife, that waits at home for her husband each day. It is nice, but the other people are not so nice, and she is in deep security by her husband. The moment her husband gets weakened by the outer forces, she loses that position and becomes one-to-one mapped to be the same, as the innocent, who get tortured, by people that like to punch them.

They don't have to punch people (for acme so much), since only an octopuss, punches by default, since it has only that arms to operate with and it is very likely that it punches everything around it, rather than leaving it healthy and strong. They should not play these animals further. They are a lost bunch and every single individual should be held high in esteem. Globalism kills all even. They are not good to the workers, since they see in them Man, while they work, looking at them from the behind. It is still anti-human and against the trinity of the triangle. It is always possible that anonymity becomes that way, enmity against innocent people. The german rationalists, that are all marxians, all try with relativism to create easily a bad name for an individual, out of nothingness, with little toil. From the outset creating a kind of word, like "liquid", by creating elasticity or inflation, it is as a german word "verfluessigt" very easily misused into other shapes and words such as "verflucht", misused against an individual. They program that into other people by social democracy, to be these excellent do-nots. They do that with relativism against individuals. They can get very close as manipulators, to certain words they want others to use against individuals. All the while, they are not seemingly, globalists. How do you defend the individual against globalism, even if there is the church? The individual is always displayed as evil, and belittled, as a character, by low-quality art in society. Always there is nothingness after the "hero" has won its fight, while the real character that the evil happened to, is hidden, while it was misused heavily already there from outset. It seems, as if these tabooists are trieing, to bind people to believe they have authority to change that into a "babooism". And indeed, this is where obamism -> leviathan -> state clerks help the leninists the most, against innocence, unfortunetely. The freedom is very thin in existance.

It ends early in the morning, not earliest morning, but early morning. It ends there, and the multitude gets its commands from the "state". They all burn from the inside, in spirituality coming from fun, democracy gives them as a rule to hold, while "for them" the individual "to behold"... They are against the special effects in marketing, since they listen to the interventionists. But they let people make rules, that are made, by using them to be emotionally attached against the logic of personae, by using their emotions, so they do an injust fight by emotions, against logic, and of course, by destabilizing the law of marginal utility, in philosophy, that is close to the individual, and observing, they are directly against trade, since the need for tender spawns or rather "summons" from that ingenieuty at first everywhere, and only from that, is created the unmovable and unobservable domain of preference, where they of course want to program. They are atomists and evil. Globalism kills all people. It is still socialism therefore, what they enumerate in hate. Since, rules and laws, are not as important, since they concern only objects and materialism, as being next to someone until the very end, and supporting him as an individual. The rules and laws are only previews of a more heavily constructed thing, called a codex. It stays always as a possibility for these sinners, to misuse it. After all, materialism is in games of outcome researched and always truth is distorted, since it is a domain where they want the outcome, that materialism is not ending finally as itself, in arguments against retarted children. But i know, materialism ends there finally, and they are not right, calling them retarded. They do that only, since they are believing against monarchy, in social democracy or marxism, and are supported by the historicists. These people believing in social democracy, and living inside it, think rather first, than to believe, and that is the problem, that they can't besweeten the people, to believe, and therefore, the directors of society, use objects that they can besweet, instead of the people, even if they trap the individual. They let the object have the things, in order to fulfill their quota. And the people believe them gladly, in everything they do, even if it is torture that they do. THEY shall be punched after the law. It is clear, that for every new invention, there, the individual is needed first. It can be produced everything, but not without the individual first existing in-beforehand and intertwine. Sometimes a certain truth is needed, with these people, that are clearly evil itself, with the Leviathan. For example, that the state is ineffective, and they are evil itself, as anti-capitalists, while they are switchblades of the ultra-rich. It is sometimes needed.

Mises was teaching, how the individual can defend itself against indoctrinated absolutists, that believe, that there are a certain people acting like they act, since they belong to a certain "class". He did not only define that as Marxist, but that it is a converse playground of antonymic truths called (conventions). There is 0 attention drawn to the groups that like to use absolutism, that try to lie about conventions being truisms in certain places, except that they are perhaps more powerful than the german rationalist creed of anti-capitalist snips. Because groups or doctrineurs believe, some ultra-rich people exist, and they believe Bernoulli's law, that proclaimed illegally, that the more rich someone is, the less he is adventurous in doing things more and more. That is what these absolutists believe in, and use as a delimitation of the service other people have to render to them, while concerning themselves inverted in meaning with the thing and applied triangularly wrong on the wrong people. There Mises taught, that someone, who owns only 100 EUROS, would never do work for 400 EUR. But someone who has 2000 EURO, would do work for 100 EUR of the same complexity, if there is something he wants to buy, for 2100 EURO and he lacks 100 EURO additionally. That is how soundness works in a market. Someone has to know what he gets in a worker first, and know, what he gets, and how it is of what consisting. And to teach that knowledge to these absolutists is absolutely needed first-of-all. The vortex of darkness existing, what is done instead of this, with the state, who is a seller of security, is not even known to the victims of absolutism. But i think, it is called corporativism. There are so many people existing, that are together. They are conspirators, and follow unfreedom to its end, where they think, they will be as the only one standing at the end. But conspirators don't leave traces of individualistic truth and history does not return them or care for them, since it only tries softly, to establish them, but in some hardcoded version.

In the end it is the same, as the rule of the bible for women, to cover their head while praying in church, out of respect, and to recover cultivatedness of her husband. To reach that, there should arise teachers, that support that recovering of culture, and teach them, it is the only moment they really can be called a group, or together with others, in the same. It is a christian tradition that women don't follow in social democracy that much, and gets forgotten against the individual on purpose, not because they see it, and all of that starts here with that mistake. But it is not so easy. Having too much state, means, buerocracy too, means also, more people trieing to change physical reality following Bernoulli's law, so as to change the life of the person next to distorting the situation of reality; and in the end it means, that they try to change capitalism that way, and firms suffer at the very end by it, and can be set under pressure by them and they distort reality by it, and use their power inside it, and blame the individual, and the marxians are of course ignorant of the evil within, for why they are what they are, useless: It is why they are useless and dangerous for the freedom of the individual. I hate the state, because this is exactly, what it produces. And during that happening, the reviews of customers, that the state clerks might use, they always are used to preclude deeds against innocent individuals by the Leviathan mostly. And they get advertised in groups the individual is sent to on purpose, because people are leninists and believe in that law, and they coerce to visit them over the years. It should be clear, that etymology, is something which they use to search for words to write their books successfully. And these authors, are not the individual. The individual, who is learned in etymology, has to be defended from these snips, since even well established firms with a good name, try to defend it later, since they get the power to pressurize them by it, and these firms get damaged by these people, while they are all together and marxians or historicists. All of that happens, either, because of the banks (which are an expropriator), politics, too much buerocracy, or all of it together even. Globalism kills. This is because that law does not really concern the passing of hours, but depends on changing substance, rather than essence, while these lies of these people, change both together in the end solely for the individual. It is implicit that they are silent profitors (they are recursive in that as groups, being silent profiteering, since one group claims the state is alright) of that and it is because of people, spreading the "wisdom they have to believe in", so they believe the state is alright and get changed to believe as masses. It is still not inside the passing of time in statistics too and reality. It changes the substance by being akin to emotions and well standing, not variables and values. It is because of the banks, that make the people poor, the individual, that the people it is surrounded by, are changing into people that act like a sect. With people that are free from that evil, and have dollars, they still can be in the same situation by being torn into sects. But to create poverty like the banks, is to make that with all individuals, that have no dollars.

Sometimes an individual that wants to search for new possibilities in market, searches as a newcomer in trade for what other people trade, and they are chosen, because the individual knows they trade with some product that is high quality enough. But the product can be more high quality leading to them, than the individual ready to choose these traders and inspirators for new products, so inspirators in general get not chosen then by the individual. In the end, the product that leads to the people selling it, is better, and these people know it, that work as state clerks, as marxists. They are against the individual because they need the mechanics of inspirators existing, to proclaim their marxian lore. They model evil inside the situation of the person if they are against that product of some firm, and it has that high quality, that it can outcompete newcomers into trade, that search new contacts. And that is the additionally happening corruption to the other things, but that makes the other things last forever for the individual. The ammunition of weapons is nothing else, than utopy as a shot directed at innocents in war. They program that utopy early into women, by the state, media, and its authors and monopolies, so they have to believe later, they will work in ammunition warehouses for world wars. In the end the way they are against the individual by hating these products, that can create that lawfullness in trade by quality, it is still a socialistic strategy they follow, no matter if they are absolutists or even monks or what kind of liberalism they follow. They strengthen things such as the will of people against the knowledge of an individual, if they follow a socialistic strategy like that, by the very strenghtening of everything they plan. It is then strength against will and manipulates the people, while both are not things to be followed in truth, since they worsen the behaviour.

Housing is nothing notable. People that were leninists, wanted to take loans to pay houses by credit and it was never successful, while all evil could be hidden against an individual, by the big scale in society it has already in single groups that discuss it, and that want it too for example in individual case. It is really nothing, this housing. People were never able that were so low-standing, to afford it in that manner anyways. Socialism is not ok. Sometimes something personally evil happens and the person aggressed against by absolutists that comment it later, that was not the victim of it even, never even can raise a question as to why they act like that, while in the end it comes out as that, that they tried to demonstrate that this demonstration was bad, and the individual does not see, the aggression was never against anything else, while the aggression ITSELF, destroys everyone, except the absolutist using it. It is sad to see people die, while they are still young and alive, because of such mistakes, or even the raped person too. Very sad and parasiticism. And what is that else, than animal experiments? The problem really is, that all these aggressions against the individual, are made by inflation. Because the others are different, and are not the individual anyway. They are used by inflationism, so that it creates the effect, as if they are students adhering to Bernoulli and his theory, with which that inflation, creates that great corruption in their acting towards the individual. In truth these effects made by absolutists are like they are anti-capitalists, and against trademarks, but always against the individual in truth, not against the specific trademark somewhere existing. A single finger pointing at an event, can make that happen against the individual. But who is pointing that finger? The people are dumbfounded, even the absolutist, and don't know, it is ...... whatever ... that is not god. But god is nothing notable in that case. It is only a, presumption. And it creates all these emotions in a logician, and the scale of the problem is misconstrued by the state, and returns as an ungood. Safe is only a banker from such misbehaviour, due to the scale of his house, defending his person. It seems, the state has expanded too much and the people lie, that prescribe difference.

It follows therefore that it is a fundamental deficiency of all these socialistic constructions which invoke the “artificial market” and artificial competition as a way out of the problem of economic calculation, that they rest on the belief that the market for factors of production is affected only by producers buying and selling commodities. It is not possible to eliminate from such markets the influence of the supply of capital from the capitalists and the demand for capital by the entrepreneurs, without destroying the mechanism itself. - Ludwig van Mises (Socialism)

The people don't have enough smart, to dive deep into that mechanism, and they destroy it for people without vast private property as back up or even alibi for their style of living. Alone to formulate it, is too hard to them, and they not even try it, leaving vast gaps of advantage for the state to construct its artificial market on top of that mistake! They don't save anyone by these socialistic measures! They can only be the mouthpiece of unfreedom by it and that is exactly what drives them, to destroy that mechanism earlier. Nobody sees, that they live in a watchmen-state. But leaving the individual without posession and private property of vast amounts, is delivering its will to the soulless mass apparatus, welcoming them only in a specific state, of disadvantage, that is higher, than anyone admits everywhere i go. Without having private property, and administered by the welfare state apparatus, freedom boils down to be going only as far, as 2m crossing the street. The same deliverance to evil phenomenons happens in them, being of other nature, that can be variable, as they wish and everywhere, in a social democracy, where they can discuss freely on top of that mistake. Instead of critisizing people by using logic, they are illogical from the outset, and german logicians in case of Hans Hoppe, or in case of his pupils, german philosophers. Everyone is not a despotic actor since it is only possible to move as far as 2m, but if he speaks, he speaks within the bounds of unfreedom, that is the domain of the other 98m assuming the metric to be a maximum 100m, and is therefore injust. People are injust too, and all together in a social democracy, the voice of unfreedom against thoughts. One can say "thoughts are free", in such situation, to free himself. But thoughts are not free where injustice is, due to corruption, and that is what they try to assume, that the individual accepts that loss in freedom, while NOT having that property earlier. Integrationists become absolutism and allow the silent profiteering, to have a philosophy of wishing output to be cut. God tries to always devise a plan in secrecy, but how is that possible if the state already makes these vast problems based on identity? How is that not, a constructing of a socialist society always? 👩‍🎤

To understand this completely, it is essential to realise that the capitalist does not just invest his capital in those undertakings which offer high interest or high profit; he attempts rather to strike a balance between his desire for profit and his estimate of the risk of loss. He must exercise foresight. If he does not do so then he suffers losses—losses that bring it about that his disposition over the factors of production is transferred to the hands of others who know better how to weigh the risks and the prospects of business speculation. - Ludwig van Mises (Socialism)

Concerns holding a sceptre against teaching people the "revelation"

I have a great concern, that perhaps more innocent people, might be the victims of other, brutal people, due to not being taught in school, the four principles of distribution happening in socialism. If you meet some immigrants (refugees ARE them), it is best to remember, that they all follow the socialist, four principles of distribution, and that they try to monopolize that number too, if there is 1 chosen in thoughts as a number, and reminisced slightly, it creates rapport too, that others feel. Because, 1 as a number can take place of importance in thoughts and make each fear impossible to arrive at and these principles are not worthwhile too, and trouble all people too, including them, probably, in that moment, too, as a group. But to remember, how much failure these four principles are, and remembering 1, and thinking always about it, is enough, to be strong and invincible before them. More innocent people, than decolonizers, should use that trick often, when meeting refugees that you might fear easily later. It is strange, that decolonizers are the single, most seldomly talked about, thing, similar, for example, to ...... to things, not taught in schools.

The real usage of inflation and how it is defined

It is all against foresight how that "prospect" turns out to be. It can't be used or restored to earlier communicate about the finger pointing of someone. Some instance always gets away innocent, that is singleton "they need a messiah". They don't see, that the individual has more than uncounting trials to acquiesce in while someone should simply remove the veil before their FOV (field of view) by constructing a vision that gives them the idea, first, that things that have to be worse, than they are NOW, have to be more fun, than trieing to trap them in own ideas, and obtrusions, that can be later-on misused 👁. But instead of using the terminology of "uncounting fields", trials should not be used as terminology. 👁👁👁 The state always tries to motivate you by saying for example "mouse-to-wheel", to motivate the person towards some far-distant goal. But it is a mistake, since nobody sees, what the eyes can't see, but have to see. Nobody motivates to do the research starting only from THERE, but all want these well-known limitations. The whole problem with these people that don't know anything about economics, is, that they silently are the people guilty on that mouse-to-wheel. And on a global scale, why capitalism is in danger, is because tradition known from church, where people are taught that tradition to hold, capitalism is damaged by socialism, since people should hold it, and be prosperous already where they think, they are adult, and only if they are, should they decide, that "only people that really decided that they like eachother, should live with eachother", except in firms, where that behaviour is strictly managed. There is a lot of chaos in that, who is belonging in society to these workers, that get managed, or while still unemployed and behaving like that, or to the owners of the firm or simply people, that use foresight a lot. Fear, which is made by the state, is also against foresight, as it trains the unemployed human, to react on everything, not for sound ends or means, but only because it is seen as a prerequisite to existance, skewing the importance and uniqueness of the whole thing by already unitariness, a science value already.

Personality endangered by unsoundness, and ice

These absolutists don't have any disposition, and it gets never discussed, but neither the scientific learner, enough means, to react upon this disposition he can discuss with others in trade. He needs to acquiesce in ends, and they are not delivered by a state, except for idealism/personal excellence. That word "personal" is mistreated by marxians of all sorts. The others who know better how to weigh the risks and the prospects of business speculation, are speculating within, as proper conspirators. Also, god is nothing notable with people, that act not just, or too just. He just doesn't want to be compared meanwhile to people. His universe by him created is at a loss, to cover the expenses for a science not existing, that is called economics. Therefore this youngest science, has to exist and cover the expenses, by a currency from the dunes, and they can gladly insert their ideas into that reality, but it will not transpose the tone lower without prior belief, with manipulators existing. The state is not right.

Problems progressing under the auspices of ice

Before these things the individual has to encapsulate itself in, happen, first needs to happen something else, such as something romantic. For me, the most romantic thing is a book on a stand, with candles at night, and to realize, that all of that stands in a ice cave, managed by man (man is a secret holding aggression as its answer). Ice seems to make the candles burn better, and the book more sensible, and the pages have to therefore have very special content, else this book would be not placed there in the first place. To realize that, does not yet summon personality in people. First comes admonishing of something else, and amorality by the banks, which is extruded as a meaning from the real thing soundness produces, which is means of people. The lowest tones in church, sound like the highest tones, and they only shrink the nerves encountering them outsides. They are duplicates redundant. The devil however, points the finger for his NWO, against real scholars, is signified in these concerns, as the banks, while people bury them deep without saying that, which is untruth established directly by communism, and not making that connection, that he is only them since start of planet Earth, but which is wrong altogether. With inflation, they can make him pattern, that they repeat by the dispositions of means of production, when he for example makes 5 hours before midnight, as a pattern, and when midnight "comes", they can define, what happens there, with the individual, and even, when these 5 hours start, and how they are compressed into smaller sequences. With inflation, they can power that midnight stuff happening, and how fast it goes down and how often perhaps even. The real usage of inflation and how it is applied, is of course distorting the understanding, if asked, of the real meaning of what these tricks are, since they always were this since the 17th century. These losses van Mises is talking about, they are coming automatically, if that mistake is made. It is not so easy, that the mistake happens and can be corrected later. People get accustomed to believe that, everywhere, however. When the disposition applied over the factors of production is lost, the transfer to the hands of others who are more able, is not controllable anymore.

Speed of certain events

They come automatically, trieing to monopolize that disposition, and never vanish. Therefore business is not something for everyone, they contend by these methods, but they are brutal methods. They are like an isolation for the individual who falls into them, and therefore, that is enough against freedom from the outset and suffices as a method, to jail certain people, since to leave that open, and teach that also, which is paramount, to pupils, means, the exclusion can be used if someone unable to continue wants to leave his business suit. But with the state, there is a lot of chaos ensuing, against that clarity. Social things don't help too and are asocial in the application there. All integration ends in absolutism, where that unsoundness is rightly viewed in the individual then, the more it is accepted as something else, in favor of untruth. The unsoundness is the problem. Since that untruth is established, it is already progressed enough, to call that a watchmen-state, in fact - not yet meaning the leviathan progressing more and more into private life, but more sophisticated and problematic, since the problems turn out to be resting in definition and are not left over free, to progress, with ending sufficingly enough in freedom for the individual. They are problems held in very high esteem, yet always replaced by articles of faith. Other people are often held in high distance, as criminals, but i know, they never arrive at that definition of them, as marxians. They use that definition differently, as a difference, so the isolation is created, by the term "other people", so ever instance the individual tries to communicate something is wrong with justice, or unjust, they make that blockade, and overplay it by their duty in case of the leviathan or "their conformity" in case of the communists, which is a trick in itself too, that seems concurrent while near in meaning. They are never right, no matter, what they say, since the first mistake was made by doctrineurs, and they are evil from outset. Only evil people indoctrinate people. They would be only right, if they would respect the individual. And then there are different dispositions, to analyse, not in how they occupy the business suit, but directly already business. But dispositions were already given away into these other hands at the very most or least, and that is also a price to pay, that is good enough. The disposition rests in the hands of the men, with authority, that care for the state, from now on, and returning it into the hands of all people at once, would be enough, to make them realize, how the economy is really standing, in what they can do, and where they can still play itself overtune. The women of all feminism offers, they all claim there are some overtones there, but i know, that is not the case. Overtones were since long then, diminished completely by a downward spiral these historicists made. But communists are not the people able, to progress in the only means possible to return also that disposition again to the individual, and they are not right from outset, and misled, that progress is needed there, as it is NOT. In business where there is power and the market, the power is the state. But with the state inside that, it is more appropriate not to progress, in virtue of making business free, by other means, than progress. Instead of silence, there must be respect for that. Instead of authorities demanding some ghastly thing, that is not even defined (since they demand as latin people that teachers hold that sceptre, as a demand of "some sort"). There is noone, that depreciates what they are making and the silent tears are falling on stupid grounds.

Problems made by the aestheton, and the "aestheton", laterwhich called the "revelation"

They are not falling into earth as in order to produce a beautiful flower there. There is not even legality to make keynesianism arise from that, as it is, however, always produced from therein. There must finally be someone who admits, that the streets where the ultra-rich live, are all dangerous for children, and there is nobody, who would be at the very instant there, to build there a blockade for children to be saved, before fast driving cars, and the big villae, there standing, are only built there, since that non-admittance is made silently there. The deadly situations for the children, are everywhere where the ultra-rich live and it is the only reason, the land as property is held high in esteem, since the streets have that danger, the houses are built there. But the gigantic scale of the buildings, is enough, to provoke car crashes on itself, at these places again, and to say "in time", is not precise enough, but even a "death ritual" sophisticatedly, a "sacrifice". In fact, the people that don't know anything about economics, are the silent reason, why these crashes begin. Nobody senses the danger, of these streets for children, only someone, who really was endangered by a big truck or a bus driving there, earlier, in his existance. The danger is enough, to train an individual, to later save a child at the same place, in different time. But nobody demands it. And yet, many monsters go there with children, and endanger them much earlier, by social schemes, generating dirt unprobable to diminish than by big machines cleaning the space in "kitas". Unculture by teaching them to listen not to culture, but to authority, can help them only by saving their life, by listening the very moment on adults, and it is very good then, but which is too late however, and a game of outcome, for the adult, and earlier not, than culture, which offers a way more sophisticated way, of saving the child, by automatically keeping the motivation of the children low, and their behaviour close-to-body, even granting philosophical debates to make that happen. The cars are driving as fast, as a megalith-driven spaceship driven by light. They are very dangerous. The same is true for the triggered individual, in youth, when people think, progress has to be the same, as "program", indoctrinated to be etatists, thinking, progress is non-plus-ultra needed for socialists, and it is ok therefore, to accept any "program" to help. While the other thing sometimes it can be used by god, to save a child there, in favor of its life, the other thing can't be used to help a young individual, that is still in youth, and neither can it produce such outcomes, without being a very delimited subset of that better outcome only sometimes. But easier than that, would be, of course, to listen to Hoppe from the very beginning and start viewing the dangers of leninist indoctrination, and doctrineurs, going on the streets in these places. These leninists instead of telling the truth, take for granted, the danger happening there, instead of exposing it, rightly so. They only build these houses there, to expose, who is an export, and who not. The individual has to not acquiesce in ANYTHING. First, need to vanish the tendencies, and people taught, that all the problems start with some instance, displaying that there is not something in a book, such as the aestheton, and using entities, that later acquiesce in, as these powerful people, in monopolizing that even by disposition, from the hands of the person, since they even lie about the bible, that there is NO REVELATION inside it, as a part of the book. However, all the problems start from the "revelation", and guilty are the things, it displays, such as the old snake, the red dragon for example, or the dragon and the woman. These entities completely play into the house of cards these groups make. They go around as devices of leninism therefore, for groups, not following Jesus, but following a cook book, the state follows too for these people. If this book i talked about is called not the aestheton, but the "aestheton", it is certainly a book about war, and for war, and supported by the whole high society there. Marxian (other) personality, which is lore, which is semantics, is nothing more, than a title given to silence, that semantics, is too far-fetched and already supports aesthetics of war, by books called "the aestheton", positioned in ice caves. Instead of giving the innocent, who get tortured, the beautiful silver flower, they plan and do war against the free.

Problems erased by the aestheton concerning how little yield is discussable

Yield is not written about in these domains. It is at the very least discussed, for which capitalism is not needed, but neither anticapitalism too. The "flower" would be at the very least "promoted", not its yield discussed, as itself even, which is different in case of flowers, since they ARE a yield for some phenomenons, such as growth. But not even them, can acknowledge, as phenomenons, that that growth everywhere has happened. Other things became as important as that domain, and for which economics everywhere is needed, that is sound. Nothing is very fond, neither anyone in some places, where acknowledging has to take place, and the place itself could vanish by the acknowledgment even, which is not very profitable. But written books, can make that erased, as in order to make possible writing about yield and how it is calculated in individuals. Therefore, before yield is discussed, such as in case of the "ice cave", which generates for sure, yield for the book that is placed inside it, the environment has to make the yield of each and every individual, rise, before that has to happen, since first it has to be known. Since the individual is not freefloating in midair. The environment can be therefore raised by authors which generates yield, and the authors raised by the environment vice-versa and each-for-his-own. But it always had a certain order: first the author was raised by promoting the aestheton, then the environment acknowledged that is generating yield by housing it, then the authors used to create more of it.

Speculation in the capitalist system performs a function which must be performed in any economic system however organized: it provides for the adjustment of supply and demand over time and space.

My mother for example was always working hard, and cleaning as a maid, the floors of the ultra-rich. She went into houses that stand there, once, and there was a house for 5 families, and she got not paid there. But in another house, she got not paid too, and there that house was even much bigger than all aforementioned houses. She went through the corridor first, which was very thin, for just the skelleton of a human, very long she went through it there, floor and upper wall painted completely white, and so thin, like for only one person, and there was a stair, spreading at the end of it, and the owner of the house acknowledged of her coming there, but went on to act like a dog, saying, his wife is demanding that of him. There she got no pay-off too. These people living there, when she once went to someone again, with a young beautiful helping hand, that was female, the owner said, he wants that young woman to stay for the night, and tried everything to keep her, of course, in such environment, where it can't be trusted at all. That other gentleman playing a dog, was seeming like a buttler at first, but he was certainly after economically looking at it, the owner of the manson himself, rather. But the woman was in a wheelchair, and demanded that of him, that he plays a dog in front of her. These people don't know anything about economics, and certainly, they just live there as parasites on pay of the individual. But the whole state, does not grant that mistake, to think like that, not even very remote. But occultists certainly use these tricks, when they say, the cleaning maid, stole some object, and they can't find it on purpose, and later call them guilty of it, and even call the state, or do something like that, and pay the people working for it, to keep silence. Only keynesians keep silent about such occurencies, never socialists. Even van Mises warns before that snips.

A contrast between profitability and productivity is sometimes supposed to be discovered by picking out a particular process and considering it by itself. People may perhaps characterize as unproductive certain features peculiar to the constitution of the capitalistic organization of industry, e.g. selling expenses, advertising costs and the like are characterized as unproductive. This is not legitimate. We must consider the result of the complete process, not the individual stages. We must not consider the constituent expenses without setting against them the result to which they contribute.

There is too little culture, even for these people. Even, if someone would try to offer them a place to visit, each evening, the place would have to be depending on upholding culture, which would be very costly and need a lot of work, and in the end therefore, it is not sure, if it is still for life, to do all these things or not do them even, but the feeling remains, it is not for life for others too, even, if nothing is done then. But little squirrels are of course like a cream, for these people. They certainly are creatures, that suffer under these orders of the state, where Marxism summons. Hans Hoppe does look like a squirrel too, in his latest endevours, somehow. Therefore, he suffers too under the same auspices and phenomenons, unfortunately. The root of his suffering is the root of Marxism. But the yield of a person, is of course, calculated by its dispositions, earlier discussed. Someone like me, could NEVER work, going around with a dog. He would have to first train his muscles, and only later, use that continueing his helping-hand-motivationism, by working as a dog-helping-hand, to help his poor mother not go to such places at all and in the first place. However, the disposition is not there, and not calculatable, earlier, before these muscles are there, to lead that bulldog. But others can even based on that, calculate the dispositions for other things, while they fail to do that, and are failing firms in the end too, based on the first mistake already done, continueing in same measure for other things.

Real world distribution

In the real world, about which they lied, multiple occasions, they had, they used, to lie about it heavily, misusing the word and applieing to it different meaning, the only thing consensual to being based on merit, is only capitalism. In the socialist community, there are four different principles, that can be combined and always HAVE to be used intermixed, since one of them does not work on its own. Equal distribution basing on natural law from churches based on equality, then the distribution based on services rendered, which often gets mixed with the first in recent decades, distribution according to needs, and distribution according to merit. AS if it would be not enough, to have blockades to preference made by others, there is also four different principles of distribution applied at once over the whole spectrum existing of people, and it happens always, that therefore nobody gets anything at all and loses its life drive and motivation or energy completely. They lied about that completely or left it uncorrected by teaching about it not enough. The neosocialist sect was able to proceed from these roots, and do untaint manage. All individuals think, that combining of principles possible there, is a sort of sorcery, but many don't get so far in learning, and are simply misled by people advertising even social needs. All social things are based on these sorceries, definitely, and it seems, that is the only difference to the concept of torture offered for the people, as its difference. The other things are made by manipulators, that are central planners. All the powerhungry people that plan, and are invisible by it, give that power to authorities, that alter the viewpoint of the individual towards some distant goal, and are therefore working for socialism too. Innocent people listening to these authorities, for example their brother, sister (seldom), manager or project manager (often), or project leader for the project currently employed for, they get at the very next instant by the scale and height of these powers, diminished in their dignity. And all people agree, it is still everywhere alright, easily, to offend someone, by coercing him into the market, that is filled by these corruptions and corruptors. But that is what they do not say, and include or imply in their speech or theory, that these corruptions exist, and how to remove them best. These powerful mighty firms, are supporting torture by the very same deed, of having management in projects. And someone who simply wants to live free, he can only cross the street for 2m length, and already the sorcery of socialist principles, is applied against freedom. It should be possible everything based on merit, but for that, it can not be misused as a principle, like in socialism, since that is against culture, and culture is needed, to be based on merit in the market. Merit can not be a principle of distribution, since it already is needed to base capitalism on it and freedom of every person is depending on it firsthandedly. They make down by that secretly, belief, and fight it, that is christianity.

One of the four principles of distribution is similar to individual choice

Since, many workers employed in that firm, can wear christian crosses on their ears or as a necklace. That is the silent trick of the socialists, where they fight against god, by giving christianity a bad image, and nobody can see it earlier, as it is only in one place and singleton. All of that costs so much, that it is not even possible in capitalist countries, to start with a demand of wanting to work to earn fastly, a 100 EUR, to help others in viscinity. But to start like that is needed, and for that is also needed based on merit. They believe in "Geist" by Friedrich Engels. Everything else, especially the individuals wish, is not important, and social democracy, the people, are paramount as the first instance to all. They don't consist of single individuals. Important is only the terror made on the individual. Certain things can't be discussed. But any payment in tender, too. It does not mean, that it has to be payment divorced from that what is called "tender", however. People that start managing something, come when there is the third principle used, and they misunderstand that, since they are always at one place, and lack understanding, and much more. For example, that as long, as there is economic effort to be made, only certain needs get satisfied, and most of them stay unsatisfied. They simply don't see it, since they spawn from the third principle, of distribution according to needs. But people gladly use that, that are socialist, and of them are most people there outside. Part of why that is the case, is indoctrination, by leninism. And universities too, in case of not teaching the correct theory, but not everyone is a scholar of course, and many are not on universities. But they don't get redistributed for the state.

Multiple choices are not existing

But there are similarities to letting the individual decide in a principle, to that. Neither does the individual exist "for the state". The sick and the suffering are decided by that principle, since it comes from the primitive slogan of early socialists "each according to his needs". And the people are not the voice of god. The third principle "according to needs" is derided from primitive slogans, akin to the bankers, but it is not so easy, as torturers may be these people, with not enough culture existing. Else, with culture, people would write like it is, that that principle and that primitive slogan of early socialists, is just exactly, like the central bankers behave, and that THEY decided that first, and THEN, culture went down, and it seems, these torturers got that position from now on, since that is not written lesser to that. But the principle decided by the individual, there is similarity to all of these principles and the people are not the voice of God. All people believe it is not known however, and that there is something difficult to construct there. But with that voice not being the voice of God, good cannot happen in any system like a social democracy is, since they can decide, while their quality is empty in meaning. It is only luck, to not overlook all of that, while reading Mises. All other people could not have that luck and therefore, the ungood! could happen to the innocents just like so. Some people may even think, the people believe, they are the choice of god. But they don't help, too, as they work constantly on devising a system of multiple choices, not available for the people or the individual, and never correct the sick and the suffering by other means, than their own, instead of throwing all these principles away and admit who they are at once.

There is no reason

Why, because one group of people gets distributed to, differently all of a sudden, and has more, than another, gets the individual for that blamed evenly? What else does happen, there, in that world of blame by the state, if the tender comes from the community that is accredited to the ghost, they want to heal, but meaning the suffering and the sick? The tender for the rentiers is from the community, and NOT from the state. The moment everyone can't keep his nest alive, or safe 'n secure, everyone will gladly go to war and die for a stupid cause. Both, is the same, as being a psychopath. And they try to provoke that outcome, that someone admits, that he is indeed, a psychopath, and they started and continue it, by using the blame, to later throw the same blame on Hans Hoppe. But Friedrich Engels generally, seems, like that concept, of a psychopath with his "ghost" together with tender, banks produce out of thin air. It is better, being all the time against war, since even the people, being all the time silent about it, and then starting being later against war, they see, a kind of competition starts in that, and it is not for sure anymore, if it is fair like on the market. The only community existing is in the meaning of observing how certain things behave, and how stupid that feels and how other things are better than that. I wouldn't call that community a marxist community, but it follows, that they are not different there too, and that they keep the truism hidden, that capitalism is something they enamour too by simply BEING that community. But if these things come in flesh, that have to define a community, and that community is defined by flesh and made to flesh, something is not good anymore. This is where Marxism gets narcotic for some individuals. But they are NOT against war, when it comes down to the final word and their behaviour. They give nothing and they leave nothing. And that individual principle, is in reality, Ludwig van Mises writes about, the fourth and last principle, of merit. But it is possible, to see it that way in a different meaning if it comes to evil itself, or elitarism for example. A socialist community cannot deliver anything for the individual, after there was not enough work done by the community. In the end it leaves the individual being dependend on the effectivity on a certain day, of the whole community. Everybody knows, that that has no outcome, that would deliver 4 days even of working well. Life would be unbearable exactly after 16 days of socialism running. And we are not even come, it has not come, to the topic, of the distribution as a process. The voice of the people is not the voice of god, and it is likely, that their choice would always fall on, a film-star, or a prize-fighter. Since i started supporting Ron Paul, there was no peace at all. No peace. The others all the time started provoking me, calling me a psychopath for decades. The people supporting Hans Hoppe recently, don't know what that is and are void of knowledge about it. But the same unknowledge lingers in them, who did that. Others would call all of that, morbidity in psychology, that has to be defeated.

Other "thing"

There is other thing. It is strange. Firms can't for example not do everything, while people that trade their products, can. And the latter are limited by that only soft, while it is true, that it helps and even is more like freedom, and more, than it seems, like freedom, and cure. There are two modes of competition. One is, the automatical ordering of the market, by merit. Businessmen forbid one businessman to trade with the other firm, but he still does it secretly, while nobody knows that. Because all know that scheme, all are careful from now on, and that continues from one man to another, into infinite firms in market A, the real market. That is how competition works, and how it limits deinspirators, such as the state, or other criminals. But that self-enamouring, and upholding, is not similar to managing rights. The other IS similar to managing rights. Traders won't go as far, and shops, for example, as ordering products by firm, with categories. That is a domain of only the firms, and self-management of firms. But there are many ultra-rich people, that started, and were very successful there, to turn around that ordering, and they certainly work for the chicago school rather than not. But that scheme is vile anyways. ONly the first-hand mode of competition and self-management, even if it seems worse, counts, as self-management, that really establishes the one and only way, to use competition and self-manage the market. It is rather so, that that group of people, started keeping it that way, rather, with the ordering, that is "correct". The authority to order products by firms is limited by that, in how certain actors in the market, use related products of that firm, in the web. There is seldom to be found, a page, that lists products from the same firm, that are not similar in product type. Management is not allowed to progress that far, since it is a domain of the market already. But it is rather the other thing, they keep managed and keep a sceptre about it. It is NOT true, that that ultra-rich, started turning around that ordering, but they rather started managing it strictly for them only, like it was, and how it limits others, to be able, to NOT order things that way too, and seem therefore "good, not vile". In the end it boils down to doing nothing at all, what they do, and giving the authority and controlling it where they want it to be. For example, if you don't want as a consumer, to be ordering products by the current author you like, the last book you enjoyed by, is written from, it is not anymore so correct, if it comes to grammatics. But groups of evildoers have managed, to blame the individual by these tricks. But to limit there things for themself, is to limit freedom in that part of the market, or the whole market A. Other businessmen don't enjoy, that unfreedom if authors write that this is not true. They don't give more to the people, if they don't have freedom, to be able, to decide alone to progress that far for themselves and themselves, only... They are sick of these anticapitalists and want them buried to ashes. And that proves, that capitalism is indeed a better social order, since these groups wanting to limit that freedom, have the same power, that is against that freedom however, by that "nothingness in mirroring the behaviour of the capitalists that want them buried to ashes alive". But the voice of the capitalists is not heard or talked about even. They can't help the individual if it is treated by these tricks bad. To try to prove merit in distribution, is evil enough. They might be invisible in what they do, if their thrive is including others and these are provided by and proven by fire earlier. They might do the opposite by remembering the downsides, than what their masters prescribe and what advertises them.

People that live in your viscinity, in direct viscinity, very near to the individual, might be manipulated by this: the market is weakened by these anticapitalists, and they try to react. But being a practitioner is dangerous, and very close to psychology and activism. The state does not alleviate practitioners and leninism is completely saturated by them existing. Hegelyanism is a marxian sect. It is consisting of only human-experimenters, and doctors from a sect. It is only consisting of a class ordering of groups of most dangerous people, the revelation warns about or is powerless against them (aka artifact collectors) due to how evil they are and orders them invisible as naturalists, while innocents still get tortured. Capitalism is innocent, where you stop ordering things, and hold on at the name of the firms, to link to their products. Because THEN, many think, there is a logical mistake. But in truth, the next page, can use the SAME CATEGORIES OF PRODUCTS NEWLY CREATED THAT REPEAT. That is where the stop should be, before the firms only, to not enter them, but only their products as a category. Categories shall be called "products", and not "firms", but firms should STILL end on the same page, as a listing always, and link to that category, and it should be not subdued under "firms". The firms should be like a sign, and not do anything further, as they are privately owned. The dangerous people that hegelyanism lets defer as naturalists, are not only naturalists, but also some of them are purely natalist. Instead of being a practitioner, it should be realized, that there need to be two sides taken and held under close scrutiny, from physical reality, to acknowledge it later, that they exist, and that moment can't be decided, where they can be scrutinized, but follows shortly thereafter, in order to act not against human race. And that is how economics should be treated, when that view on things, is analyzed, to arrive at certain truths taking a backview on a phyical-reality-object, and deriving another useful object this time. The whole of economics rests on that human foundation. Observing groups of people and then claiming, analysing them lets derive certain truths that are useful, is not a requirement of science. It is not balderdash, or idealism and indoctrination. It is praxeology and it lives only in the human mind... To call that an evil thing is to be with the restorations, all kind of people try to react against. You cannot react on the consumer, or customer, by different display, than by preference. Already there exist two different objects, the firm and THE product. Already there it is dualistic and impossible, to make sure, one is presented and arrived at too, without further compromises for example, "using filtering". Only knowing exactly, what demand is generated, by preference, is the best possible thing. The other is not possible at all. Either there are always two different locations, products are in, and they differ completely, or they are duplicates and then it makes no sense at all to make the distinction. It is very well kept hidden that the innocent, that get tortured, are part of economics as a young science, in how they operate in the market, claiming the high position of culture, that is in a kind of twist to the classical theory. It is not a coincidence, that exactly, torturers are followers of the Plan of the Bilderbergers, about Mars, in how they everywhere construct everything, from thoughts, to in the end, implement it. That seems completely hidden in that. And the historians also live in that space, where it is used in categories, to split them further, where they claim high position about capitalism under disguise of being historicists, and someone to be fearful about. They are not in truth what they claim they are supposed to be.

Lost connections to masterminds

In case of the state calling other people terrorists by George W. Bush, it must be said, that that people, in that building, where they lived earlier, if everybody can be a central planner, if they would be these people, that decide, how things shall "be", and decide, so they too in a social democracy, what happens and how the president is talking and behaving, as is the case with many such people, that don't live there, yet, then these "terrorists" would not even be in any database of the state. And the traces are lost completely, so the people really blamable for the attack, could be everywhere, even where it is not likely, such as in the white house or the FBI. The traces are simply not followable, and neither is it clear, who is really guilty completely, neither can the real terrorists be therefore in any database written. They would be ghosts, if that is all writable. That is really true and what i think. I think the people rather to display them as puritans, and hide the puristan word behind it, they try so hard, to create a Puristan nation, where nothing is available for the individual, that even Hegel is seeming like a rational outcome to consider. But Hegel is considering only these things philosophical, from a kind of Puristan perspective, and how to manage it, by philosophical means. A puritan is something different, than Puristan, and by seeking truth about the first, the latter is forgotten fastly. The way that Puristan is created gladly, to await some future "socialism" by the people, is highly demagogic. Because hiddenly, they await a kind of communism, while they gladly speak out against it, while there is never any kind of relativism in relativating that Puristan to make it weaker as an outcome. People clearly don't know, what they are doing, and the same is true both for crucifiction of Jesus, and the danger, people pose to the individual by such easily. Religion in economics is a kind of feminism, completely bound to consumption of the individual. It is a step further, than what the people don't know, always, as a domain. And domains, are hard to create. Some games had domains, such as the level in Zelda, with the postponed aphorism in the sewer, where Link can find some artifact. Artefacts are just objects of knowledge, that help to complete the knowledge about some thing. Artifacts are something else, and very close to be found in domains. But they are hard to create, as they need the silence needed beforehands, that capitalism needs too. All of that seems easy to create after the fact. But earlier, all these things have to be accounted for, and management is there least applicable, and damages rather the whole thing, as any logician would admit in some times gladly, but in the past perhaps not so gladly, due to the behaviour of the people. The thing coming close to Zelda in reality, is when people just buy the things and always have them available, so they can live like Princess Zelda and feel her, that are more costly, and from a known firm, such as pink Palmolive dish washing lotion. If they always buy one step above the most cheap things, they have that paradise with capitalism, and that security, to kick the air against anyone, like her. But the state is highly demagogic as a group there. Capitalism is everywhere blamed there, and the attack against it is everywhere there happening, and very unmasqueraded, while the things against the individual happening, ARE masqueraded sometimes, such as is the case with the midnight stuff or when "happening" is not an event. For me, that circumstance is already too much and too much against freedom. The individual is existing in expression itself. They are everywhere 24/7 against that concept of the individual/especially by single persons, locally by communism, and by Hegel, globally, on a global scale. They consider the expression of the individual as a belief to be blamable and blockadable all the time, to mute its expressionable character, and by the very same, to dominate by their own behaviour. They don't see, that they misuse for that power, and power-misuse is everywhere happening elsewhere too, to support them. Agents working for the state have that power from the social nexus created by folders, buerocracy based on unlogic. The word "folder" IS already the "folder". The problems they create are enough, to have that word "folders" only once written and as a usability to find a part of a text. "But they start from" primitivism, where only utilisation is happening, and all the things they create or collect, only are expressionless in the end, and usable only for utilisationism, while they lack from the very start, the things created perfectly by means of production. If they would need to manage that production, they would, together with the WHOLE of leninism, stop to operate, and at once, only help others, by discussing only their means of production. The individual would be left out and not blamed anymore. But instead of doing that, they start from primitivism. And social democracy is everywhere like that and want to create a Puristan. But to take away products from an individual that are in his need, or demand, and to manage it that way, is to treat people worse, than animals, and there is not a single outcome as a hope, that that primitivism will ever perfect itself toward some future production of helpful things for anyone, while allthewhile, these persons exist, that are against expression. Women of the elite, wanted to work. They were not allowed to be sovereign standing on both feet, and therefore to work in the market. They knew, that working in the market, is the only way to reach that sovereignity. Only working somewhere or offering someone in the market things, trading, can create that sovereignity, since the people were always primitive like that, they are torturers.

The deepening feeling in music has a few emotions in it, that seem like dots on some map, occultists use, to program use into women, to programmatically to isolate them, after they "chose" their favourite "dot" in the music, they heard. But, that they heard that music, is true reality, and the rest is not so clear, neither their preference not kept silent and for themself, so nobody ever knows it, too, and Marxism has nothing to do with culture. It just has nothing to do with it, and damages it only, by people the author writes always about, that are from society and that "one can meet on the street only", always with a danger to it, that they might "plan against". To choose a woman, is nothing else, than choosing a child, and which includes therefore the moloch worshippers, too. These people are moloch worshippers or befriended with them, or similar to them. They are knights, from some church, or operate secretly there, against people knowing "the revelation", which is secret knowledge too, as long, as a church is innocently visited by innocents, that still are young, and have not read the lore. But it makes no sense, to not make these people financially wither away. But banks have more and more taken over that responsibility, and it is not so good, if they can secretly decide that, since then, it never vanishes, because it is never exposed. Preference is very important. It can be demonstrated on the lips of women, now they are pointing "backwards", and upwards, and not downwards, while the sides always point down, like the wings of a bird as a symbol. It proves, that without that freedom, to choose what is preferred, other people will still be invisible in misusing preference, and people get VERY sick, because the strong part is pointing down, like strong wings, rather. How can marxians overlook that? I think they are simply not true scientist and know nothing about economics. And nazism could arise easily from such mistakes, if the peoples are not individuals that are all at a very special time against propaganda starting its machinisation, since nobody believes so much, the individual exists later, and competition has taken a downturn on the important aspects of personal development, where it has turned itself inverted to work not anymore on firms, but by the people as a machinisation. Socialism seems not like a communist word, but a stalinist word, and it is describing what happens already, including capitalism when it is defeated completely. Which means: nothing is available and people can decide together what happens with individuals, but when it comes to their personal preference and usage of their freedom to buy things, which is stalinistically completely shut off and down. Nobody talks these things about socialism, but i know, that is what they all mean by that. It does not work. When the personal preference can not be delegated to things, one can buy, the next thing will STILL fall down into preference, which is then, the next thing based on the preference of the predecessors of the human. A world of sin humans are from, that is not on planet Earth, still, but which commies of all sorts fail to acknowledge, while they all eat with silver dishwear, always (that, here, is this sin not if it comes to delegating it to products, which are artificial until purchased). But when it comes to managing all people at once, they are hardcore-statists, wanting the state to exist everywhere. They are all against remembering the teacher, that speaks the truth, as an individual, and prefer group togetherness to it. When there is not enough capitalistic thought, preference, it is misused when people fail to learn to pass the authority to a successor, TO A product, and blame the human and mankind, instead of talking value only in domains of sale. They start to begin to act for someone else, and are brutal mankillers, when that fails to be taught. That is where relativism starts and is against the enumeration, against which, the previously entered sin, was also already in full gamma eclipsed. The individual starts getting anticapitalistic thoughts, that are all against trade, and only depending on a victim. The thought, to bring water to the graveyard, becomes unimportant to the very extreme, but which is in itself the same, as optimizing something very basic and fundamental. The people think, everything is good, but everything has to be socialistic, then. And that is the exact domain of torturing innocents. And they are not responsible, because they have long before, lost their face or it became unimportant individually, since "that happens only in law firms to the individual". The moment before killing someone ("all the ... values!!!" as an aphorism! Not so good.), is an anticapitalistic moment. They all get this way, when there are monsters deciding over universities, and they are all the same, and you can meet them everywhere, because they believe in communism. But this is a Joker against the banks. Because to teach that, makes the individual highly philosophic, bound to Aristotele. Someone helping, with a helping hand, might be caught up in this scheme, and nobody manages to see it. I think that is how torture is spawning. If you assume that multiple people exist, that push up the image of a metaphysically existant person, which is an individual, by convention and existance, that is very close to that concept, if it gets comprehended by a understanding that roots in comparing extremely beautiful women previously as an individual, which is "one person". But the CIAs, if they get stripped away from that "test", what remains is, Friedrich Engels, concept of "ghost". And they don't get critisized up from here as socialists, even, if anything happens. That state and all what it lingers from, is totally evil and useless for normal people.